"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude."

Julia Child

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fusili Meatball Pasta in Tomato Sauce

This is my first post as a married woman ^^. I got hitched with Ananta couple weeks ago, I followed him to Balikpapan because he already have a settle career there.

For the first couple of weeks, I'm still staying in hubby's rented room (kost-kost an) because our house is still under evaluation, gotta be approve by the office management soon. but whatever happen, I have to cook! The living cost in Balikpapan is high, I'm afraid  if I don't cook we won't survive until the end of the month :)))

The challenge is, because it is just a small shared kitchen ( with a small shared fridge) and It is actually a rented room for boys, I have to cook efficiently, no time consuming, no hassle in preparation, but should be always interesting every day because I don' want my hubby getting bored with my home cooking.

I only have two weapons in cooking pasta, the standard bolognaise or white cream sauce. This afternoon, when I was browsing recipe sites, I stumbled upon keluarga nugraha blog on the pasta list of recipes, I saw the sexy metballs bad boy, I remember that I still have minced beef and Fusili left on the fridge. lets do it.

Here's the recipe:

Spaghetti Meatballs ala KELUARGA NUGRAHA
Spaghetti ala keluarga Nugraha ini punya 1 bahan rahasia yang menjadikan rasanya very Italian!

400 gram spaghetti - Iuse Fusilli instead
1 buah bawang bombay, rajang halus
5 siung bawang putih, rajang halus
150 gram sundried tomatoes*, tiriskan lalu rajang halus - I substitute it with fresh tomato
12 sdm saos tomat
1.5 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdt gula pasir
500 ml kaldu sapi (pake yang fresh yah, jangan dari kaldu blok) - sorry Mba Astri, I used the powdered
4 sdt daun oregano segar, cincang halus** -- I substitute with MrConnick dried italian seasoning
Minyak goreng
Parutan keju cheddar dan parmesan

Bahan Meatballs:
800 gram daging sapi cincang
4 siung bawang putih, haluskan - i chpped it and added some onion
50 gram tepung roti/breadcrumbs
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 butir telor, kocok lepas

Cara Membuat:
1. Meatballs: Campur semua bahan lalu bentuk bulatan sebesar baso.
2. Goreng sampai kecoklatan (berubah warna). Sisihkan.
3. Rebus spaghetti dalam air yang telah dibubuhi sedikit garam sampai lunak (tapi jangan terlalu lembut).
4. Tiriskan lalu siram dengan air dingin lalu campurkan sedikit minyak sayur/olive oil supaya tidak lengket. Atur pada piring saji.
5. Panaskan minyak lalu tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai harum.
6. Masukkan sundried tomatoes, saos tomat, garam, merica, gula pasir dan kaldu sapi. Masak sampai kaldu mendidih.
7. Tambahkan meatballs yang telah digoreng. Masak sampai seluruhnya matang.
8. Matikan api lalu beri cincangan oregano.
9. Siram ke atas spaghetti lalu taburi parutan cheddar dan parmesan.

Untuk 6 porsi
*Bisa dibeli kalengan/botolan atau juga fresh (di bagian deli) di supermarket
** Bisa diganti yang kering, dijual di supermarket
- Source: Australia Woman's Weekly and modified by Keluarga Nugraha -

Bon Apetit!

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